Welcome to PediaVitTM Facebook Page

This page is for Canadian residents only.

Your access and use (including posts) of this page are subject to the Facebook terms of use & conditions (including the Facebook privacy policy), which are governed by Facebook it self and may change from time to time. They are available at Facebook Terms, Facebook Policies.
We welcome your comments; however, if they don’t comply with the following basic rules, they may be deleted:

  1. If your posts include profanity, defamatory, libelous, offensive, abusive, discriminatory or demeaning content (including images, videos and links);

  2. If your posts are disparaging, threatening, condone violence or illegal behavior;
If your posts are off-topic;
  4. If your posts contain any personal information e.g. names of individuals, email address or phone number;

  5. If your posts violate another’s copyright or intellectual property;

  6. If your posts are commercial, e.g. sells products and services, or recruit fans and followers;
  7. If your posts are excessively repetitive and/or disruptive to the community or are spam;

  8. If your posts contain proprietary, confidential, sensitive, or nonpublic information;
  9. If your posts don’t follow Facebook's posting guide lines and Terms of Use.

Medical side effects or adverse events

If you believe that you or your little one have experienced any medical side effects or reactions from a product, you should consult your physician, pharmacist or other health care professional immediately. You can also contact Sandoz at 1-800-361-3062 or by email at medinfo@sandoz.com. 
We suggest sharing as little personal information as possible on the Facebook Page, especially sharing any specific data concerning your personal health should be avoided. Should you, however, decide to include a post detailing any side effects, we may need to contact you to find out more information. Posts of this nature may need to be removed from our Facebook Page due to legal obligations concerning drug safety reporting.

Collecting and using personal information

We do not aim to store or use your Facebook profile unique ID, email or other personal details. 
However, in case of an adverse event or product issue we are required to report as a manufacturer, we'd need to collect and use personal information (generally defined as information permitting to identify you), such as your name, location, health related information or similar in accordance with the applicable laws. This information is required to be maintained for reporting purposes and submitted to regulatory authorities. 
Please kindly note that this information will only be collected and used by employees or authorized 3rd parties for these reporting purposes. Adverse event information may need to be reported to health authorities in and outside of Canada or foreign affiliates. Should the collection and use involve a transfer of the information outside of your country of residence, we contractually protect the processing of your personal information by third parties; however, any transfer is subject to foreign legal requirements, including requirements in other countries to disclose personal information to government authorities. 
We may use 3rd party service providers to help manage comments and messages, 3rd party service providers would have access to any personal information you share, they are contractually bound to ensure an adequate protection and security of your personal information. 
Please note that Facebook also has access to information you share and we have no control over such access. For more details, please read the Facebook Privacy Policy.

Thank you for being a part of the community.