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When is your baby the most active?
A. In the afternoon
B. At night
C. All day long
D. First thing in the morning
What kind of eater is your little one?
A. Playful: Hands-on is the name of the game, with almost as much ending up on the floor (or on the bib) as in her mouth
B. Focused: When food appears, she eats with single-minded attention until she’s full
C. Fussy: Favourites are easy, but most things meet with resistance
D. A grazer: He eats a little of everything or prefers lots of small snacks and meals throughout the day
What is your kiddo’s nap style?
A. Two naps a day keeps everyone happy
B. We have a pretty good sleep-then-eat-then-sleep system going right now
C. Just one nap, but it makes all the difference
D. Sleep-resistant: conditions need to be perfect (low light, noise machine, teddy, etc.) to make naptime work
Not to get too personal, but how do your little one’s diapers look?
A. Not too bad, unless it’s blueberry season
B. Messy! The milk-only diet definitely keeps things moving
C. Diapers? Who needs ’em? (Potty training was so worth it)
D. Recurring constipation means they’re not as frequent as they should be
Okay, last question: how does your kiddo communicate?
A. Mostly pointing, but there are some words
B. Just crying or silence, but the meaning is (usually) clear
C. Sentences, with new words almost every day
D. Gurgles, cries and squeaks, but we get by